How Should I Read the Book of Revelation?

Pastor Michael sits down with Rev. Dr. Danny Zacharias (New Testament professor, Acadia Divinity College) to discuss:

• Origins of the popular ‘futurist’ approach to the book and why it’s not the best way to handle the text.

• How understanding the genres present in the book (letters, apocalyptic, prophecy) help us know how to interpret it correctly.

• The timelessness of Revelation’s message.

• How worship in the midst of great trial is a major feature of the book.

• Why it’s significant that Jesus is presented in Revelation predominantly as a slaughtered lamb.

• The ‘political’ themes in Revelation.

• Recommended resources for further study.

• And more!

For anyone who has been taught that the book of Revelation presents a play by play of yet-to-happen events, this is a must-listen-to podcast!
